Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Remembrance of last year 2013

Well it has been a long long time since posting, a lot has happened in a year time....Last year at this time I was visiting my Mom in the hospital and was still hoping for a good out come. she decided to do a radiation for a tumor the found in her head, this is why she was losing her functioning skills, talking, writing, remembering things...she could walk and get around, but little did I know at this time she was not going to be able to come home..I knew she could not live by herself and Doctor said, not one person could take care of her... I knew she wanted out of there. My Mom like quiet, she would sit all day, doing her puzzles, not even having radio or tv on. The noise in the hospital must have really bother her,Tried to get her out of her room and out side away from the hustle  and noise of the hospital , she like sitting outside and look around , Albany is a busy place, but it was better than sitting in that room all day, I think I would go crazy if I had to stay in the hospital for 4 months.....and not be able to get outside..Treatment had ended and she was sent to a rehab center in East Greenbush,  it was to cold to take her outside, so during my visit I would take her down stairs and Todd would walk her around and show her different things, We watch them put up a Christmas tree and decorations and hung out for a while...If Friday night we would play Bingo, we made sure Mom won a prize. because their was the three of us playing...if Mom was winning to much we would let one of the ladies there take a prize...Did not want to be
One Saturday night, Todd got a call to say that they had to bring Mom to hospital and that she was having seizure We were at the Clubs Christmas party and was ready to leave. All I could think of was getting to was one of the worst snow storms...We got home and my sister called said she was brain dead. She was there all alone and I did not want her to die alone. Todd told me to get my shoes on, I was crying so hard, and we headed up to the hospital ....
I did not expect to see Mom looking like that, the last time she had a seizure she was fine, sitting up in bed and talking, the brain dead thing did not come to mind, until I seen my Mom laying there gasping for breath eyes closed, and not knowing what was going around her...I almost fell to the floor and was having a very major panic attack..
The rest of the night was the same , I had gone for coffee and blueberry muffin and Nicole and Josh had came. so when I came back, they left to go for a smoke
I sat there talking to Mom, about stuff going on in the news and then turned to her and told her at had nothing more to say. Next thing I heard a deep breath and one of her eyes had open. I first I though she was coming around. and the next she wasn't breathing...I was scared and ripped the curtain open and told the nurse my Mom stopped breathing. they came in with telescopes and shaked their heads and then the told me her heart was still beating..I still had hope, what my Moms heart is still going that should be good. Now mind you I have no medical understanding of what shuts down when you die, but I got a quick lesson that night...Tried to call Nicole with Todd's phone but it wasn't working and cused the phone...But nothing I could do, soon Nicole showed up and let her know. Told her to call her Mom and tell Marilyn what was going on too...
That night on the ride home, I felt so alone and Mom was gone forever.....